What Makes Varicose Veins Worse?

Almost one quarter of Americans have varicose veins. You know, those unsightly blue and purple lines on the skin or even the kind that protrude outward. No one likes how they look, but the worst part is the pain and other complications. If you have them, you certainly don’t want to contribute to their advancement. So, it’s good to know what makes varicose veins worse. Keep reading to find out.

Varicose Veins Are a Vascular Problem

When the valves in our legs don’t function properly, blood is not moving forward towards the heart like it should. Instead, the valves do not lady with varicose veins.close completely and blood begins to seep backward moving in the wrong direction in our veins. Eventually, it pools in our legs and causes the swollen veins we know as varicose veins.

It’s an issue that can be repaired by the Vein Center of Brinton Lake in Glen Mills, PA, and you can practice some proactive habits to limit any further damage.

Controllable Risk Factors of Varicose Veins

You can’t completely control whether you get varicose veins. What you can do is pay attention to and lower some risk factors that contribute to the problem or make it worse.


You hear it all the time because it’s important. Smoking affects all parts of your body and the chemicals in nicotine cause your blood to thicken and lose oxygen which slows down blood flow. Quitting is probably the most important thing you can do to improve your vein (and overall) health.

Obesity and Too Much Sugar

Too much sugar in your diet can create plaque on the walls of your blood vessels. This directly leads to high cholesterol, blood clots, and varicose veins.

Too much sugar increases your weight which puts added pressure on veins. Choose a diet rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats, and plenty of water. Increase your intake of fresh fruits and veggies. Colorful veggies have bioflavonoids which increase circulation. Pick broccoli, eggplant, spinach, and bell peppers.


Move around more! A sedentary lifestyle contributes to varicose veins and can make them worse. Low-impact exercise is best. Try walking, biking, and swimming.

Try to avoid sitting for any length of time. Get up and take breaks if you have a job that requires sitting.

Talk to the Vein Center of Brinton Lake about the best balance between sitting and standing too long. Both can negatively affect circulation.

Wearing High Heels

Sorry ladies. Cut back on those heels to allow your legs to circulate your blood. Walking causes your feet and calf muscles to coordinate and move blood upward. Wearing heels makes you use the front of your feet and toes keeping the calf muscles contracted and unable to circulate blood as easily.

You don’t have to toss out all your sexy heels, but limit how often you wear them, or purchase some styles with lower heels.

Getting older can’t be controlled, and our veins get weaker as we age. If you have a family history of varicose veins or deep vein thrombosis (DVT), you have an increased risk of developing varicose veins and other circulatory problems.

Contact Vein Center of Brinton Lake at (610) 579-3516 for a varicose vein evaluation and how you can prevent your vascular issues from becoming.