How Does Diet Affect Varicose Veins?

Do you have varicose veins? Have you ever thought that your diet could cause them, make them worse, could help relieve their symptoms, or even prevent them? There is more to the story, so let’s dive into how diet affects varicose veins.

Understanding Varicose Veins

Your family history, lifestyle, gender, and age all contribute to the risk of developing varicose veins. Most importantly, poor circulation is the main culprit causing the painful, swollen effects of varicose veins. Stands to reason that foods that promote circulation should be beneficial, and therefore, the opposite is true.

Keeping your blood pumping efficiently back to the heart is the goal of healthy circulation. When the tiny valves in our veins don’t work properly, those ugly purple or blue veins become visible. Some foods help with that process and others add to the problem and make it worse.

Potassium is Good And Salt is Bad

We all consume too much salt from canned goods, fast food, and processed meats. Excess salt causes us to retain water which in turn increases pressure in our veins.

Food with potassium reduces water retention and provides the opposite effect. Include almonds, white beans, potatoes, leafy green vegetables along with salmon and tuna into your diet to get the most benefit from potassium.


Water can help with circulation, helps with our digestive system, and keeps us hydrated. As you keep that water bottle handy all day, be sure the plastic does not have BPA, a chemical similar to estrogen, since it increases the risk of developing spider veins.

The More Color The Better

Fill your grocery cart with colorful fruits and veggies. Pick strawberries, bell peppers, grapes, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, and citrus fruits. They will increase circulation and fight inflammation.

Foods High In Rutin

Rutin is a plant pigment found in many fruits and veggies. It strengthens capillaries, protects blood vessels, and prevents blood clots. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Find it in apples, buckwheat, grapes, cherries, apricots, and blackberries.

Vitamin C and E

Vitamin C prevents inflammation, and Vitamin E acts as a blood thinner.

Other Foods To Increase Circulation

  • Avocados
  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Rosemary
  • Ginger

You don’t have to turn your life upside down to add or increase these natural foods into your weekly diet plan.

Request an Appointment for Varicose Vein Treatment

Contact Vein Center at Brinton Lake at (610) 579-3516 for varicose vein treatment or if you suspect you may be developing them.

Schedule An Appointment