Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic & Your Upcoming Visit

The Vein Center at Brinton lake is implementing a S.A.F.E. approach to ensuring the safety and health of our patients and staff, while meeting the ongoing healthcare needs of our community.

The S.A.F.E. acronym stands for:

Social distancing requirements

Applied universal masking and temperature screenings

Facility safety enhancements

Enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocols.

Our commitment to patient safety considers every step in our patient interaction

Pre-Visit Screening and Registration:

  • Within 72 hrs of prior their office visit, all patients will be asked screening questions over the phone. Their appointment will be confirmed once they pass the screening questionnaire.
  • Patients that pass the initial over the phone screening will be given their appointment time and date, with instructions on how to enter our facility.
  • In addition to the screening questions, all new patients will have an over-the-phone interview so we can gather the majority of the appropriate medical information including the reason for the visit, past medical history, current medication list, and insurance information.

Upon Arriving at our Facility:

  • Safe Check-in: Once you arrive at our facility, you will call our office number to notify our staff, and will be allowed to remain in your car until our technologist is ready to start your exam. You will not spend time in a “waiting room”.
  • Our staff will send you a text message or call instructing you to enter the building through our facility screening station.

Entering Our Facility:

  • All employees and patients/visitors must undergo on-site screening upon entry into our facility.
  • Your temperature will be taken and you will be asked several verbal screening questions.
  •  If you do not arrive with a face mask, one will be provided at the screening station. All staff and all visitors MUST wear a face mask at all times within the facility.
  • Only patients are permitted within the facility unless the patient is a child or physical assistance is needed
  • Practice social distancing, maintaining a minimum of 6ft distance whenever possible.

During Your Visit:

  • Immediately following screening at the facility entrance, you will go directly to our exam room, and bypass the office waiting room.
  • All exam rooms will be cleaned before and after your appointment. We have extended all exam time slots.  This will allow adequate time for our staff to clean the room and equipment after each use
  • In addition to our established business hours cleaning protocols, our facility is cleaned every evening after business hours by a professional cleaning company.
  • We adhere to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the American College of Radiology (ACR), and the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH) guidelines in our quest to maintain a safe patient environment. This includes the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and hand-washing routines.
  • All staff wipe down their work areas at the beginning and end of their workday.
  • We have adequate supply of PPE and germicidal wipes (such as Sani-cloths)

Our Commitment to Your Safety:

  •  The Vein Center at Brinton Lake will not see patients in our office that have new onset COVID-19.
  • All patients coming to our office should self-screen at home prior to arriving.
  • All patients should practice hand hygiene BEFORE and AFTER their appointment, including thorough soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol (available at our facility).
  • Any patients with the following criteria will not be seen in our office (these criteria may change over time as we adhere to CDC, ACR, and PA DOH guidelines):
    • Positive COVID-19 test result
    • Recent testing for COVID-19 but awaiting test result (Person Under Investigation)
    • New cough
    • New shortness of breath
    • Fever over 100.0
    • Sore throat
    • New loss of taste or smell
  • All patients will be verbally screened by our staff over the phone prior to visit and also upon entry into our facility.
  • Anyone who fails verbal screening or temperature check will be denied admittance to our office.

Please Remember to Take These Everyday Precautions:

  • Avoid contact with those who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue, then throw tissue in trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Use alcohol based hand sanitizer.
  • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Practice social distancing.

For more information:

Schedule an Appointment

Our board-certified vein specialists are committed to providing the highest quality of care in a clean and SAFE environment. Call (610) 579-3516 to schedule an appointment at our vein clinic in Glen Mills, PA today!